Monday, May 12, 2008

A Neat Boutique on CMT (Country Music Television)

We apologize that is has been awhile since we posted. We will try to bring you up to date in a couple of posts.

A Neat Boutique received a call from the producers of My Redneck Wedding, aired on CMT, to film in our store. A couple from Francisco Indiana named Amy and George are going to be on the show. When asked about places to film Amy mentioned us.

The barefoot bride to be and her daughter showed up with the camera crew and producers one Friday afternoon. It was hilarious. We had fun and Mary Jo was miked up and filmed several times. Even if we don't make the final cut for the show it was great fun. Amy is supposed to bring me some pictures and I will post them when I get them.

The new season for My Redneck Wedding starts in October. Jen, one of the producers, is supposed to let me know the air date.

Keep watching because we may have a Hillbilly Hoedown or a Redneck Reception for the airing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that show!!! That will be a hoot if you make it on the show. Let us know so we can watch.

Tracy Jones